I got to a point where I couldn’t possibly be the best mom because I’m so miserable within myself and many other aspects of my life that needed to change. It was like a light switch one day where I said to myself “fuck this”…I need to do what’s best for me and then I can do what’s best for her. – Emily Marie
About 2 years ago I began a journey. A journey to self discovery. I wasn’t happy or feeling completely fulfilled with myself, my marriage, my career, my family, friendships, and most of all I was so sick of pleasing everyone and feeling guilty for saying NO and it just being okay. I have lived many years of my life for other people and what was going to make them happy or had some sort of fear of not fitting in. It became more and more clear the older my daughter got. At this point she was almost one.
I got to a point where I couldn’t possibly be the best mom because I’m so miserable within myself and many other aspects of my life that needed to change. It was like a light switch one day where I said to myself “fuck this”…I need to do what’s best for me and then I can do what’s best for her.
I have always had body images issues and obsessed over working out and eating healthy. I hated more then anything to look in the mirror or look at my body in the shower.
Once you have a child your entire body and life changes..the workouts don’t happen as often and the meals aren’t as good or healthy. So I had to accept that and just do what I could to maintain a healthy life style. Never in a million years would I have ever done a photo shoot like this. But let me tell you… In this picture I am free?
I am free of judgement I am free of hating my body I am free of negative thoughts I am free of having to please or be concerned about a significant others thought or opinion about doing this god damn photo shoot in the first place I am free of how my daughter is going to perceive this later in life.

I have never felt so free… This was truly one of the best experiences of my life! As a woman and a mom we carry so many judgments about soooo many different things. Don’t let your body be one of them?? P.S I can finally post this because I am truly free ???????? #freetobeme. @unspokenbyemily88 – lives in Rochester NY a single mom. Just got divorced. She is salon sales consultant and hairstylist for work. She is hoping to bring awareness to people that society shouldn’t be the reason we do things .