Queer Affirmative Therapy Training
LGBTQ+ Training with Priyanjul
Priyanjul is a software engineer who also focuses on creating content to spread awareness about the LGBTQIA+ community. Training to be a queer affirmative therapist helps us become more aware of the current changes and transitions that members of the community go through. Which include but are not limited to current societal conditions and policies that affect their mental and physical health.
Humanising Lives collaborated with Priyanjul for a Queer awareness training workshop for our assistant psychologists in order to gain a better idea about the community with the aim of becoming a better queer affirmative therapist. The training session helped the trainees gain insights about the LGBTQIA+ Spectrum.
*They were sensitised about the terminologies used.
*Lived experiences of the members and of the trainer were shared in the safe space that was created to understand their viewpoints.
*Trainees also discussed about the psychosocial challenges that the members of the community face on a regular basis and how mental health practitioners provide their services for the same.
We appreciate the time taken out by Priyanjul to help the trainees gain better insights and a better understanding about the community and their mental health.
LGBTQ+ Training with Navirah
Navirah is a software engineer who has recently become a member of the LBTQIA+ community. She helps in providing a view about the community from a Queer lens and the challenges or current scenarios of their lives in different areas that are not limited to schools, at homes and workplaces.
Humanising Lives invited Navirah for our Queer awareness training workshop for our assistant psychologists in order to gain an understanding about the community with the aim of becoming a better queer affirmative therapist. The training session started with discussion on the LGBTQ+ spectrum and what every term means.
*The discussion also entailed sharing the experiences of coming out with respect to their selves, their families, friends and society as a whole
*Focused on the dialogue “how does one know they are a part of the community?” and how do individuals outside of the community respond for the same
*Gained an understanding about the fluidity of the terminologies and labels used
Humanising Lives is thankful to Navirah for helping all the trainees understand, with her interactive session, the problems that the members face personally, how things can be better and how we as mental health practitioners can be more queer affirmative.
Existential-Humanistic Therapy Workshop
We were honoured and humbled to have interacted with Dr. Nader Shabahangi and Dr. Stephanie Weissman from the Existential-Humanistic Institute ( USA) . Dr. Shabahangi is the founder of Institute, and Dr. Weissman has been in the field for over 30 years, both being stalwarts of existential-humanistic therapy. We are grateful to them for sparing their time early in the morning, taking us through delicate nuances of E-H therapy through an experiential workshop, and listening to young minds from a different culture, and answering their questions with the utmost patience.
This workshop was arranged for our Assistant Psychologists in our continuous attempts to provide Humanisinglives team with insightful training’s.
Shikha Soni a queer affirmative psychologist, and a mental-health researcher at University College London, took a very insightful session on “QUEERIOUS CONVERSATIONS”with our team of Psycologist’s.
The initiative aims to create an oasis of encouragement, acceptance, and empathy to foster dialogue around ​Queer Activism,​ through increased awareness and sensitivity.
She clarified common misconceptions about the queer community, and the range of social and psychological struggles those of us in the community commonly have to deal with.
The differentiation of sexual orientation, sexual identity, gender identity, gender expression.
She explored the various sections within the transgender label and Intersectionality of identities
She educated the team on ethical clinical practices in mental health. Queer friendly vs queer affirmative therapy.
Evolving nature of queer spaces and problems and Issues with heteronormativity
Ms. Soni talked about was very appropriate and helpful for everyone in understanding queer mental health concerns better.
We appreciate @shikhasoni for making time in her busy schedule to speak to our psychologists, her wise words will help magnify our cause in the best possible way.